Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The cutest pumpkin in the patch!

Well, my goals of once-a-month blog updating faltered in September! So here I sit, on October 7th, a full week behind schedule. I guess this blog is now in tune with the rest of my life, BEHIND schedule! (Yes, I'm always late...)

Theo is of course doing marvelously well. Currently he is sporting nine teeth, a new haircut, and somewhere in the ballpark of 7-10 words. Toddle speak can be a bit confusing, but as he connects meaning to more and more objects and actions, it's amazing to watch his language development. We know, we know, he is genius! (Did you ever doubt?)
The Barrett family has added another level of "new normal" to our lives. I started back mid-September with my graduate classes (only 3 to go!) and Andy began his doctorate program at University of Illinois. So, seeing as we weren't quite busy enough, I'm gone every Monday night and Andy is gone two weekends a month as we educate ourselves on being better educators. Fortunately, the schedule has thus far worked out and each of us end up getting great quality time with Theo. Now if someone could just tell me how to keep the house clean, the laundry folded, and the meals prepared I'd be all set! And to think, we haven't even hit first-quarter report cards and parent/teacher conferences yet! =)
Overall, we are doing amazingly well. Theo's adoption will be OFFICIAL on October 15th. We do not need to make a court appearance this time around, which stikes me as ironic as the adoption finalization is one of the most important moments in the lives of adoptive families. No celebrations are scheduled, but I'm sure we will end up at Dairy Queen at some point. We are also closing in on our final post-placement visits with our social worker, but we will stay connected with Lifelink for years to come. Andy and I sincerely hope that they like us enough to one day invite us to be speakers to their Parent Academy. Here's hoping!
As always here's a link to the newest Theo pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/68847421@N00/sets/72157607839867103/detail/
Stay tuned for more fall happenings!


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